What is the best thing to drink for leaky gut?


A leaky gut, or intestinal permeability, can disrupt the delicate balance of our digestive system and lead to various health issues. While dietary changes are essential in managing this condition, choosing the right beverages can also play a significant role in supporting gut healing. In this blog post, we will explore some of the best drinks for leaky gut, focusing on beverages that promote gut health and overall well-being.

Healing from Within: The Best Drinks for Leaky Gut.


A leaky gut, or intestinal permeability, can disrupt the delicate balance of our digestive system and lead to various health issues. While dietary changes are essential in managing this condition, choosing the right beverages can also play a significant role in supporting gut healing. In this blog post, we will explore some of the best drinks for leaky gut, focusing on beverages that promote gut health and overall well-being.

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1. Herbal Teas.

Herbal teas are excellent options for individuals with leaky gut due to their soothing and healing properties. Chamomile tea, in particular, stands out for its anti-inflammatory and calming effects on the gut. Peppermint tea may also aid in digestion and reduce bloating, while ginger tea has anti-inflammatory properties that can help support gut healing.

2. Bone Broth.

Bone broth is a nutrient-dense drink made from simmering bones and connective tissues. It is rich in collagen, amino acids, and minerals, which can help repair the gut lining and support overall gut health. Bone broth also contains gelatin, which has a soothing effect on the digestive tract.

3. Aloe Vera Juice.

Aloe vera juice is known for its soothing properties on irritated tissues, including the gut lining. It contains compounds that may help reduce inflammation and promote gut healing. When choosing aloe vera juice, opt for a pure and organic product without added sugars or preservatives.

4. Coconut Water.

Coconut water is a natural electrolyte-rich drink that helps to keep you hydrated. It contains minerals like potassium and magnesium, which are essential for maintaining gut health and supporting proper muscle function.

5. Probiotic-Rich Drinks.

Fermented drinks like kefir, kombucha, and lacto-fermented beverages contain probiotics that can support a healthy gut microbiome. Probiotics are beneficial bacteria that help balance the gut flora and improve gut barrier function.

6. Marshmallow Root Tea.

Marshmallow root tea has demulcent properties, meaning it forms a protective layer over the gut lining, helping to soothe and heal irritated tissues. It can be beneficial for individuals with leaky guts experiencing discomfort.

7. Non-Dairy Milk Alternatives.

If you have lactose intolerance or dairy sensitivities, consider non-dairy milk alternatives like almond milk, coconut milk, or oat milk. These options are gentler on the gut and can be fortified with essential nutrients like calcium and vitamin D.


When dealing with a leaky gut, choosing the right drinks can complement dietary changes and support gut healing. Herbal teas like chamomile and peppermint, bone broth, aloe vera juice, and probiotic-rich beverages are some of the best options for promoting gut health. These drinks contain healing properties that can soothe inflammation, repair the gut lining, and support a balanced gut microbiome. As always, it's essential to listen to your body and seek guidance from a healthcare professional for personalized advice on managing a leaky gut and promoting overall well-being. By incorporating these gut-friendly drinks into your daily routine, you can take a proactive step towards healing from within.
